About us
John Baker House in Salisbury and Springers House in Devizes are hostels with a total of 26 single-occupancy bedrooms.
We provide accommodation and support for adults aged 18 to 65, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- Staff on-site various hours at both schemes
- Short-term hostel accommodation and support
- Communal facilities including kitchens, dining areas and lounges

Am I eligible?
To be eligible for a place at John Baker House and Springers House, applicants must be:
- Aged 18 to 65
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness and require support
- Single with no dependents
How do I apply?
We are unable to accept direct applications or referrals. We accept referrals from Wiltshire Council.
All care and support needs will be assessed before an application is accepted.
If you have any questions about the support services we provide, please contact us using the form below, or call 01722 416 300 during office hours.