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How can we help?

We hope our website has answered any questions you may have about our supported living, retirement community and assistive technology services, but if there is anything else you’d like to ask, please contact us. Whether you’re looking to enquire about one of our services, report a repair, provide feedback or suggestions, or are interested in partnering with us, we’d like to hear from you. 

To find out more about your nearest Sanctuary Supported Living service, visit our find local services page. 

Find local services
Sanctuary Supported Living employee answering the telephone

For emergency repairs, please call our friendly Customer Services team on 0800 916 1527 (freephone). They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including bank holidays.

For more information about job vacancies, see our careers page. For all media enquiries, please see Sanctuary’s media and social media page or complete our enquiry form. 

To get in touch with us about anything else, please complete the form below, selecting the appropriate enquiry type, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  

Our website has been designed to meet accessibility needs, including screen readers and it can also be easily translated into different languages, find out more about how we've made our website accessible.


We also have a text facility for those with hearing impairments: 07800 006781 or we can connect you to a British Sign Language interpreter.

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Fields marked by * are mandatory

What is your enquiry about?
Supported living accommodation, care and support
About you
Who is this enquiry for?
Your enquiry
I am enquiring for
I am enquiring for
About them
Your enquiry
Retirement community accommodation, care and support
About you
Who is this enquiry for?
Your enquiry
I am enquiring for
I am enquiring for
About them
Your enquiry
Technology Enabled Living
About us
Who is this enquiry for?
Your enquiry
I am enquiring for
I am enquiring for
About them
Your enquiry
Make a complaint
About you
If your complaint is in relation to a specific Sanctuary Supported Living service, please provide the service's name here:
Please tell us about your complaint
Send feedback or suggestions
About you
If your feedback or suggestion is in relation to a specific Sanctuary Supported Living service, please provide the service’s name here:
Please tell us about your feedback or suggestion
Business Partnerships
About you
If your enquiry is in relation to a specific Sanctuary Supported Living service, please provide the service’s name here:
Please tell us about your business partnership enquiry
Report a repair

To report a non-emergency repair, please speak to a staff member at your service first. If a member of staff isn’t immediately available, you can report the repair using this form, then notify a member of staff when they are next on duty. Please call our friendly Customer Services team on 0330 123 3247*for emergency repairs.

About you
Are you a Sanctuary Supported Living resident or customer?
SSL resident or customer
Please give details of the property where the repair is needed:
Property type
Which room is the repair in?
Which room is the repair in?
What needs repairing in the kitchen?
What needs repairing in the living room?
What needs repairing in the dining room?
What needs repairing in the bedroom?
What needs repairing in the bathroom/toilet?
What other items need repairing?
What’s the cause of the issue?
cause of the issue
Please tell us more about the repair
Upload a photo of the repair

Drop files here to upload them


Select files

Unlimited number of files can be uploaded to this field.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

Thank you for reporting a repair. A member of our team will be in touch to discuss the repair and agree suitable days and times for the work to be carried out.

About you
If your enquiry is in relation to a specific Sanctuary Supported Living service, please provide the service’s name here:
Please tell us about your enquiry
How would you prefer us to respond to you?
How would you prefer us to respond?
Do you need us to provide any information in a different format?

           I confirm that I have read the Sanctuary Supported Living privacy statements.