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Torbay Domestic Abuse Service (TDAS)

Torbay Business Park, Paignton, TQ4
A busy harbour with numerous smaller boats decoratively displaying colourful buoys. A mix of properties cascade down from the hills towards the harbour.


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We know that it takes courage to reach out, and we want to assure you you’re not alone. At TDAS, we provide trauma-informed, non-judgemental support, advice, and protection for anyone who has or who is experiencing domestic abuse.

"Without them I wouldn’t be here"


We’re working to break the cycle of domestic abuse. We offer a wide range of help to individuals and families in the Torbay area, including confidential advice, one-to-one and group support sessions, and safe refuge houses. Our trauma-informed services include: 

  • Safety planning 

  • Referring you to other support agencies, including legal and benefits advice 

  • Helping you to build your future and move on with your life 

You have the right to feel safe. 

In a non-emergency, call 101. Alternatively, call the Women’s Aid 24-hour helpline: 0808 2000 247. In an emergency, call 999. 


Accessing our services

Taking the first step

Are you, or someone you know, ready to take the first step towards a safer and more empowered life? We’re here for you. 

In order for us to extend our support or offer safe refuge house accommodation at TDAS, the person in need of our services must:  

  • Be aged 16 or over 

  • Have experienced any form of domestic abuse within the past three months 

  • Live within Torbay OR be assessed as being at high risk of domestic abuse 

What next?

Please complete the confidential enquiry form below, or call 0800 916 1474.

If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

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